Wide Awake
I am currently writing this blog at 2 in the morning.
Thought for the day: I guess I really had enough.
Reality dawns on me that opportunities for nurses are really scarce. This statement is only false when a nurse has enough experience (skills wise) to apply for a job in another country. This is really frustrating for me because living in the Philippines entails nurses to gain at least one year hospital experience. But having only one year experience does not get someone to apply for the best jobs out there in the world. Most of the the countries open for nurses in my country with one year experience are countries from the Middle East. Of course Filipinos are mostly Catholics, so not many of them would like to venture out in countries with Islam as their dominant religion. I guess with tantamount cultural differences fear is the initial feeling felt by people. This now leads most of the nurses bewildered if they are going to pursue a career in those countries.
As for nurses with more than a year experience, other countries are open for them to apply, such as Singapore, Canada, US, Australia, New Zealand and United Kingdom. These countries do not just allow foreign workers to work in their country the easy way. One criteria that they require is IELTs-- an english proficiency exam. This exam has 4 parts: reading, listening, writing, and speaking exam. Mind you, these exams are difficult. Each country requires a certain grade from each of the test. And the total score of usually 7 is required from these countries. This now makes the application in another country even more difficult than applying in the Middle East.
Given these situations, this led me to venture out into applying for other positions than just the regular staff nurse job. I began exploring the possibility of applying for a hotel, cruise, or flight nurse job.
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